Register now & enroll to attend The Injection Academy!

Your registration grants access to enrollment of the The Injection Academy’s courses and access to online course materials through your account.

Contact [email protected] for assistance or help with any questions or concerns. 


Personal Information

Please confirm your email
Postal Code

Online Content Access

Please set a password for logging into The Injection Academy website so you can access online course materials.
Choose a strong password that contains at least 8 characters, including an uppercase letter, a capital letter, a number and a character (! & ? # @)

Professional Information

Note: Must be licensed in province of the training course

Previous Education in Injectables

Please select all that apply
Neuromodulator Beginner Course
Filler Beginner Course
Filler Intermediate/Advanced
No Previous Injector Training Completed

Medical Aesthetic Educational Interest

Which courses are you interested in?
Select all that apply

Enroll in course(s)


Coupon Code

If you have a coupon code, please enter it here.
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Payment Totals

Enrollment deposit subtotal before discounts & applicable taxes
Total including applicable taxes and minus any discounts.


Payment via Stripe